
Hi, this is ArFi and I’ve decided to put this comic on a hiatus.

It’s the best thing I can do, considering my time doesn’t allow it to be continuous, and I have other projects and I want to finish my art style even further.

If you’re interested in seeing my progress through the upcoming time, you can visit my social media platforms(Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Patreon, …) and see things get better than they are here.

I’m really sorry for this, but I think it’s for the best. Hope to see you soon!

Other things ya need to know(?)

The comic is, obviously, on the front page. Every other else you want to find will be on the ‘Contact, support and more’ tab up there, considering I’m an idiot who dunno how to add proper pages… or make a decent website…

Nevermind, just go check it out. You’d find all you need.

My first post.

This is my first post. Welcome to my comic blog. This is where I’ll be posting news about my comic. I hope you enjoy the comic! My update rate is active but unstable cuz who knows what can happen anytime?